== Description ==
Tessa is new WordPress Theme styled with modern design and follows latest trends in Websites. Coded with HTML5 standards and SEO recommendations.
Whether your are a small agency or creative individual and you are looking to present your Portfolio: here is Tessa.
Main idea is to clearly present your Portfolio, share main information about you and show latest news by Blog which is included and fits into design perfectly.
Tessa is fully responsive and works on all Desktop & Mobile devices and all modern web browsers.
== Requirements ==
1. Niteo Taxonomy plugin (bundled with Theme).
2. Contact Form 7 plugin.
== Installation ==
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme’s .zip file. Click Install Now.
3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.
1. Unzip .zip file and FTP it to your hosting server under wp-content/themes of your Wordpres installation directory.
== Basic Setup ==
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance enter the Customize section.
2. In Customizer go to Static Front page section and select “A static page” radio button.
a. In Front Page select “Tessa Main-Page” as your Static page.
b. In Posts Page select “blog” as your main blog page.
3. Go back to Top level in Customizer and enter Theme Builder section.
a. Click and select all sections you want to appear on a page. You can also drag and drop the position of each section to appear on Main Page.
4. Go back to Top level in Customizer and enter Menus section.
a. Click on Menu Locations section and select “tessa-main-menu” as your Primary menu.
5. Now your page should be correctly setup. You can continue to customize Logo, Fonts, Colors, Menu, Social Media and etc.
== Advanced Setup ==
1. In Customizer > Site Identity section > you can upload custom Site Logo, change Site Title and upload Site Icon.
2. In Customizer > Featured Banner section > you can upload Hero image, setup Youtube Video as Hero Image or use Slider as Hero Image. Also You can put custom formatted text over Hero Image or Video (Text is taken from page ‘tessa-hero-text’).
3. In Customizer > Colors & Effects & Fonts section > you can change Site Background, Heading, Fonts (any Google Font from https://www.google.com/fonts) and Hover colors. Enable/Disable 3D hover effects and Scrolling effects.
4. In Customizer > Theme Builder section > you can select and drag & drop each section to display on main page. You can also create your custom section (content from page ‘tessa-custom’).
5. In Customizer > Portfolio Layout section > you can choose to display Portfolio as Carousel (works well with small number of items), Masonry grid, Mozaic 1:1 ratio, Mozaic 4:3 ratio (works better with bigger amount of Portfolio items). You can also display/hide Portfolio Filters Menu.
6. In Customizer > Members Section > you can set layout of ‘About Us’ section to Individual person or Team members.
7. In Customizer > Social Media section > you can setup Instagram and Twitter accounts.
8. In Customizer > Contact section > you can customize your address, Google Maps location, select which contact Contact form 7 and Subscriber form use.
9. In Customizer > Page Footer section > you can customize Copyright text and select which social icons to appear in Footer.
10. In Customizer > Menus section > you can customize Theme Primary Menu. Theme Menu also supports Sub-level menus.
11. In Customizer > Widgets section > in yoursite.com/blog you can use widgets to appear in blog as Sidebar. If you install Niteo Widgets plugin, you can display also Instagram Widget.
12. In Customizer > Background Image > you can set Background image.
== Content Setup ==
1. You must first install Niteo Portfolio plugin bundled with Theme.
2. After installation in your Admin panel you can find new items: Portfolios, Services, Testimonials and Members.
4. You Can setup Portfolio Filters by creating Portfolio Categories. Each category = filter on main page (if enabled).
3. Insert any content into these new Items and they will appear on main page.
4. Heading of each Section is taken from following self-explanatory Pages Titles (‘About Us’, ‘Latest News’, ‘Contact Us’, ‘Instagram’, ‘Portfolio’, ‘Our Services’, ‘Customer Testimonials’, ‘Latest Tweets’, ‘Clients’, ‘Custom Section’). You can rename the Titles as you wish (you must just keep slugs as they are).
5. Description of each Section is taken from the same Pages`s content.
6. Default menu (‘tessa-main-menu’) is created automatically when Theme is activated with following items (#services, #portfolio, #blog, #members, #testimonial, #contact). You can add/remove, change position or rename the Items titles in Admin Panel > Appearance > Menus.
a. if you want to add Items to different sections you must add Custom Links with URL ‘http://yoursite.com/#xxx’ where #xxx is ID of the section ( Services = #services, Porftolio = #portfolio, Members = #members, Testimonials = #testimonials, Latest News = #blog, Contact Us = #contact, Instagram = #instagram, Twitter = #twitter, Clients`s logos = #clients, Custom section = #custom).
b. You can also include and page or posts in the menu, or external link.
c. You can create sub-menus up to 1 level deep.
7. Classic Worpdress ‘Posts’ are used as Blog Posts.
== Demo Content ==
1. You can import our Demo Content to your site in Admin Panel > Tools > Import > WordPress
a. Install WordPres import Plugin and upload demo/demo-tessa.xml into your WordPress. Make sure you select Import and Download Images option.
== Child Theme ==
1. Unzip and FTP tessa-child into your WordPress wp-content/themes directory and activate it. Now you can add your custom css and functions.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 – March 15 2016 =
* Initial release
== Credits ==
* Coded and Styled by Niteo team with love.
* Based on Underscores http://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2015 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* normalize.css http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/, (C) 2012-2015 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)